The award goes to a blogger who fills your like with sunshine. After this winter, we sure need all the sunshine we can get! And, I am so honored that I was selected. The rules for accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows:
1.Put the Sunshine Award flower logo on your blog or within your post
2.Pass the award onto 12 bloggers who fill your life with Sunshine
3.Link the winners within your post
4.Leave a comment on their blog letting them know they've received the Sunshine Award
5.Post these instructions so they'll know what to do!
The logo is in this post and I am going to put it on the side of my blog in a place of honor as well. The next part is hard because some of my favorite bloggies that we read all of the time and enjoy have already won the award. In fact, I noticed today that the flower pictures were popping up all over my bloggie roll. I have made the best effort to not select bloggies that have already been honored but if they haven't accepted the award, what could I do. I even checked out a couple of my pals who also won to make sure I didn't pick their honorees. As mom and her government people would say, I did my due diligence!
Here go my 12 favorites (in no particular order):
The Shenanigans of Shawnee the Shepherd by @ShawneeShep - I think Shawnee's was the first bloggie we started reading on a regular basis and it was because we saw on Twitter about the big trip to deliver @BusyButtons to her forever home. Then we started reading about all of the wonderful hiking Shawnee does with her mom so it is our absolute favorite blog. Mom got to meet Shawnee and her mom on her way home from the Shorty Awards. I was so jealous. Shawnee and her family also do a great job with product testimonials and mom and me are working to be better bloggers with them as role models.
Confessions of the Plume by @BabyPatches - Baby Patches is a really sweet kitteh but I love her best because her momma has my most favorite store - Nip and Bones. Mom buys me really cool toys there. I love reading about the Chief Kit's duty at the store - kind of a behind the scenes look at running a business.
Albert the Cat's Blog by @Albertthecat - Well, no one would say that Bert is a cheery bloke but his escapades and the way he talks about his family always make us laugh. And, he seems to be an anipal that can write posts as long as mine.
Teeny's Friends by @TeenysFriends - While I had been following Teeny for a while on Twitter, I got to know him better when we were both DJ's for the Winter Olympics Pawpawty. I learned more about all the work Teeny and his organization does to get toys to needy anipals. Even a shelter animal's life can be made better with a toy! So he brings lots of sunshine to needy anipals not just me.
Call Me The Breeze by @Kittehboi - I love his bloggie and his Yellow Snow post still makes me chuckle. I was also taken with his tribute to Laika, the first Russian Cosmonaut. I am glad there is a space program but I don't like the idea of sending animals to space without being able to get them back home.
Rockum Sockum's View On Things by @RockumSockum - We love reading about Rockum's large animal family. There is so much love in that house. I like that each animal gets their day out with mom and a couple of double cheeseburgers too.
Shelter Diaries - I actually don't even know if they are on Twitter. This blog does not bring us happiness. In fact it always makes mom and me cry. Like just now when we looked at the updates on some of the posts. But the sunshine goes to the animals at the Shelter in Texas where this man volunteers and brings love and kindness to animals, many of whom are eventually euthanized. We wish we could adopt them all. It is hard for us to read about it but this man goes back time and again and I know his heart must break.
Fido & Wino by @FidoandWino - Shauna just moved their blog from Blogger to Wordpress with their very own URL. We love reading about Mickey and Kayloo as well as Shauna and her husband.
Cleo's Day by @GrouchyPuppy - I never really thought @GrouchyPuppy was that Grouchy (certainly not in Albert the Cat's league), and we really enjoy Cleo's bloggie. Cleo introduces us to a lot of Grouchy's friends which is fun. Besides, I really enjoyed the post about the dog hair song.
King's Meow by my brofur @Caesar_OSkeezix - Okay so this one is a little self-serving. There is no secret that there is no love lost between me and my kitteh sibs through no fault of my own. Well no fault that I can control since I can't help it that I'm a dog and I'm big. So I am hoping this will be a peace offering of sorts. I must say I am still laughing about Caesar in his Jabba the Hutt costume.
The Days of Johann, an agility dog! by @JohnannTheDog - I thoroughly admire all that agility stuff and now that they are opening up agility events to doggies whose papas were rolling stones like mine, I aspire to learning the agility stuff. Well, just as soon as I learn to stop jumping up on mom.
Lou, Mama's Boy by @LouPeb - Since I have been on Twitter I have run into a number of dogs that look a lot like me. Lou was the first one I noticed. That's why I started with the "Papa was a rolling stone" comment (ok it's a musical reference since I'm a DJ - "wherever he laid his hat was his home" meaning he really got around and had a lot of families). I enjoy reading about Lou and his sisfur Pebbles.
Well that's my award winners. Now I need to post on their bloggies they have won and give them the rules.
Congratulations Yoda on your award. Very deserving indeed. You do bring sunshine to our lives wiht your blog.
Congratulashuns on your award and I is so honored that you is passing it on to me! And all the wonnerful things you sayed bout my bloggie - thank you, Yoda!
And yeehaw! Thank you much for this wonderful award- I am touched!
Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.
Congratulations Yoda! And thank you so much for passing the award on to me. I appreciate it very much. I follow the sunshine around our house too...
This is truly a list of awesomeness! Thanks for sharing some of the blogs that you guys read.
Concats on da award! And OMC! Thanks you for awarding it to me and I just luvs what you said about my bloggie!
Luvs you Yoda!
Thank you so much Yoda! what a delightful award :o) I just posted! *woof woof*
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