Hi! My name is Yoda and welcome to my blog!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm on Facebook

First I had a Twitter account. Then I found out many of my pals had blogs so then mom promised she would help me start a blog when we were on vacation. She kept her promise as here I am.

But then all my friends were getting Facebook pages. Mom said No, she was too busy to keep it up. She does Twitter, Facebook and blogging for work too so she knows it takes time. She added Dogbook for me and the other animals in the family on her page.

Then Bunny Jean Cook got her page and mom said, okay when she had time. I kept whining and she said when she was on vacation for Christmas. So, tonight she set up my page!

Now I'm on Facebook, I can finally rest!

Come be my Friend on Facebook!

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