Okay so I have been remiss in my blog writing of late (again) but I could not resist this topic. Why you ask? Because mom is still cackling over some of those Dog Shaming posts. She read them out loud and would point at me often while she was laughing. I have to admit I enjoy them too because they give me new ideas. In fact we just saw one about a dog who ate her mom's bite guard. Mom has a new one of those and I think it looks yummy ....
Anyway, it was so hard to pick from the many shameful things mom and dad do but here goes:
My dad ....
and, just so you know I am not making this up ....
Warning: You may want to censor this post from those
that are sensitive to violence and destruction
This is an update on the case of the Serial Stuffie Killer. The serial stuffie killer has gone on a rampage. Here is some of his latest victims.
This stuffie had half of his body eaten off. Sad. There had been a whole family of these and the stuffie serial killer has pretty much wiped them out.
Poor Rudolph was decapitated.
Flappie was gutted.
Mr. Bill (from Boris Kitty's Human 2) was almost two years old before his mouth was eaten. He is in intensive care and has a 50-50 chance of surviving.
A composite drawing has been developed by terrified witnesses with the help of a police sketch artist. This picture is being circulated across the country. Please report any sitings to local law enforcement. DO NOT try to apprehend the stuffie serial killer on your own. He is armed and extremely dangerous.
Mom and I were really uncertain about what we planned to write about today for the quarterly Blog the Change for Animals. We have lots of causes we believe in but we have written about them before. But today we saw an article about a really neat Summer Camp opportunity for kids at a Rescue in Washington State called Kitsap. We just happened to see about it on Twitter when it was retweeted by our friends at @WineCountryDog.
Mom and I think this is an incredible idea and we hope more rescue organizations are doing programs like this. They could very well be doing them and we just don't know. Why do we think this is important? Because this planet's future depends on us teaching the youth about what is important. -- learning to give back, the value of service, helping the less fortunate. Most of the ills of society are based on selfishness and greed pure and simple.
And to bring us back to the topic at hand, mom and me particularly feel that educating young people about the plight of homeless pets, what it takes to care for them, how valuable they are to teach us about love and humanity, the importance of spay, neuter and trap and release programs, and why adoption is so critical is priceless. That's why we think Be The Change for Animals is so important.
A Kitsap Camp Volunteer from the Kitsap Blog
Thanks primarily to social media, we are finding that we all CAN make a significant difference. World governments have changed and even in this country people have made a real difference by standing up AGAINST big business and FOR issues that need to be discussed. This means that the call to action on our part is more significant than ever and we can no longer sit back and think we can't make a difference.
On this day that has been set aside to write and discuss issues that are critical to supporting animals in our society, let's remember we CAN make a difference now more than ever.
looked at all the caged animals in the shelter...the cast-offs of human society.
I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal. And
I was angry. "God," I said, "this is terrible! Why don't you
do something?" God was silent for a moment and then He spoke softly.
I have done something," He replied. "I created you."
~The Animals'
Savior Copyright Jim Willis 1999
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We just saw a new Subaru commercial and just had to blog about it!
You might remember that mom was privileged to ride in style to BarkWorld Expo in Atlanta last summer in a Subaru Forester. Subaru was one of BarkWorld's major sponsors. It was a great trip and she got to ride with Paige the Border Collie and her mom Lauren.
We loved the older series of commercials featuring dog stars, Stolen Parking Space being our previous favorite. But since mom is in the outdoor recreation business, we really love the new commercials. In fact we are heading out to visit one of her state parks next weekend! We were both barking out loud this morning when we saw "Camping" for the first time.
And, since mom has some challenges backing up (she claims mirrors confuse her), Jackknife is appealing as well. In fact mom claims she had a nightmare experience similar to that commercial with a U-Haul trailer many years ago.
They have some cool posters featuring the stars of these new commercials. Mom is going to hang this one up in her office:
Check out the Subaru Dog Tested website. There is a nice plug for Dogbook, a dog park locator, a statement to their commitment to the ASPCA, and an app for your human to plan their walks with you. I "borrowed" mom's new iBone and downloaded it while she was not looking.
Speaking of Paige, she has a video in Pet Hub's contest. Please check it out, vote and comment! Hey Subaru - maybe you should add Paige to your commercials!
Disclosure: Other than the use of the Subaru vehicle for mom's trip to BarkWorld last summer (which we blogged about at the time and had no other obligation), we have received no compensation from Subaru for sharing these commercials and info on their website. We don't even own a Subaru.
Today (January 15) is Blog the Change for Animals Day. One day each quarter, animal bloggers around the world blog about the causes that are important to them and we start an important conversation on these issues.
I have a number of causes that are important to mebut today I want to write about the importance of pet adoptions. There are so many pets in shelters and rescues around the world, so many animals that were abused or just unloved or just don't know what it is to have a family like we do.
While I did not come from a shelter or rescue, I was part of an "unplanned" litter of puppies and might have ended up there. All my kitty sibs (there are four) come from rescues or shelters. Our latest addition, Alexis, we adopted from a rescue organization at PETCO this past June. All of my family members have different personalities and are wonderful in their own way, but Alexis is something really special. She came into our lives and made all of the animals happier. She is so loving and playful she has made the other cats like me and they all are more affectionate and playful even though they are getting older.
So, I want to urge everyone who reads this to think about opening their home to one of the many, many pets waiting in shelters for their furever homes. I guarantee you that your life will be enriched and never the same. Please though remember that an adoption truly is a commitment. Pets demand time and attention and are also a financial responsibility. If you are not ready for that commitment, don't make it. Because as sad as all of the animals in shelters make me, it is even sadder when a pet has a home and then loses it. I know that sometimes there are terrible things that happen and people have to give up their pets, but this should not be because the family took their commitment lightly.
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Today my prize from #jeopawty arrived and mom was so excited. I like mom to be happy but a stuffy or a bone might have made ME happier.
This clutch purse was made by @grrlysquirrel75 and mom says it is perfect. She likes to have a small purse to carry around and slip in her ginormous bag that has the kitchen sink in it (I think).
She's got a blog you should check out.