Mom tried to make me feel better. She said I was only 2 and still a little too rambunctious to do good works in a public setting. After all most people don't appreciate a big dog that gets in their face and starts slurping hard enough to lick off some skin (although I met a nice lady at the V-E-T the other day who loved my smooches).
She also pointed out how valuable my stick patrol activities are in our yard. We have lots and lots of trees and those sticks are raining down every time the wind blows a least little bit. I also get the sticks out of the pond.
One other job I would really love (but mom and dad won't let me) is cleaning out the litter box. They keep a gate that blocks me out of the bathroom where the litter box is. The other day dad had it up just a little too high and he caught me slithered underneath it. I could get half my body in there and that was enough the reach the box and do some selective scooping. Unfortunately, extracting myself from that position knocked the gate down so I was caught. Sadly dad did not have his camera handy to capture this particular exploit. He was probably laughing too hard to focus anyway. Maybe I can hire myself out for the litter box job. I know humans hate that work!
Finally, mom says she thinks making people who read my blog laugh or even just smile is a good job to have. I hope I do that!
I am hoping my other pals will share their second jobs on this Anipal Photo Hunt. Just click the button below for information on how to join in!
Yoda! You have one of the most important jobs EVER - protecting kittys from the Big Growly Loud Monster That Eats All! You're #1 in my book for that! Yup, that & the laughs = lower BP! xoxox ~Andy
OMD! The coveted kitteh litter box sanitary engineer pawsishun - we ALL want THAT job. If'n the hoomans hate doing it so much, I dussn't unnerstsand why they not let us do it. But anyways Yoda, you has udder furry impawtant jobs and yes, making me laff (and mom) is one you duss furry well! (Picturing your butt stuck unner the baby gate and a litter mustache on the udder end...)
Pawesome job!!!!!!!
he he - I has been racking me brain too bout my second job. Guess i don't even has a first one, but less a second one. I might come up with something before the end of next week, but first I has 2 important memory posts to make.
It sounds like you're pretty busy already. We have lots of jobs, too. Lola has to take care of Monkey. Morgan and Noah clean up the other dogs when they get messy. Sky keeps track of all the balls, and that's not easy. Samba has to stay near Mom at all times to make sure she's OK. Norma Jean keeps Mom and Dad moving and we all do stick patrol. We wish we had a litter box to clean.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
that sounds like pawesome jobs to me my furriend!
Excellent work on the litter box (we don't have one of those cat things here). But we think our job is to make sure the hu-dad never feels unneeded.
Your mom is right. Making us smile and laugh is one of the good jobs and you are very good at it, keep it up!
Yoda, it sounds like you have lots of jobs. You might need to plan a vacation!
I don't think you even need a second job, you're just so darn good at what you do...and it doesn't get any better than that!!!
Getting human out to exercise is incredibly important work! Our health service would give you a highly paid job for doing that! They can't get people to exercise at all!
Getting human out to exercise is incredibly important work! Our health service would give you a highly paid job for doing that! They can't get people to exercise at all!
You mom is right, making other people smile is a great job. Stick patrol is vital too!
Nubbin wiggles,
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